In good company
We are simply delighted and thank you very much – after all, nothing is possible without friends and supporters.
The society of friends and benefactors
It is our very great fortune to have the Society of Friends and Benefactors of the German Röntgen Museum in Remscheid-Lennep e. V. The new positioning of the Museum would not have been possible without their support. Founded in 1951, the Society today has some 550 members worldwide. Its declared aims are to support the Museum financially in acquiring and maintaining exhibits as well as in public relations activities.
The cooperation between the Museum’s management, the City and the Society has become very tight indeed. The association has developed into an essential source of inspiration and funding for our Museum. The members of the Society frequently makes uses of their scientific, economic and cultural connections to bring the Museum and its activities to the attention of an international public. We are in the very best of companies and are thorougly pleased by it.
Experience the project first hand
Our friends and supporters can experience the transformation first hand and are always up-to-date.

Professor Dr. med. Gerald Antoch
First chairman of the society of friends and benefactors of the German Röntgen-Museum
Together with the members of the association, Professor Antoch helped with the redesign of the museum and experienced this exciting project at first hand. We would like to thank our members with exclusive guided tours and a look behind the scenes – but that’s not all! Sponsors receive invitations to the opening of all exhibitions and free admission to all lectures. You will receive an annual report from the museum and various newsletters with information about the new concept. So you are always up to date. Association members are also invited to cultural events such as the awarding of the Röntgen Plaque and can use the rooms of the Röntgen Museum for their own events. All donations and membership fees are tax-deductible.
Who would like to join us?
We are always pleased to welcome new members and people wishing to support us.

Would you like to preserve a wealth of knowledge for future generations and to allow them to experience the museum for themselves? If you want to become a supporting member, you can download a podf of our membership application form below. Fill in your information and return the form to us via mail, via fax at +49 2191 163 145 or via email at
Or you can simply enter your contact information in the form below, hit send, and you will hear from us shortly.
Thank you very much for your interest and support, we truly appreciate it.
Partners are fantastic
Many things would not work without partners, friends and sponsors. We are proud and happy to have ours.
We would like to thank all our partners, benefactors, friends and sponsors that have so far participated in the implementation of the transformation of our Museum. We would not have been able to realise the project without this level of support. We have already achieved a lot, but we still have a lot of work together ahead of us. Thank you!
Lead Funders

Eugen-Moog-Stiftung, Remscheid
Sana Klinikum Remscheid GmbH
Rücker Immobilien, Remscheid
EWR GmbH, Remscheid
Visus, Health IT GmbH, Bochum
Smiths Heimann GmbH, Wiesbaden
Deutsche Bank Remscheid
Pflitsch GmbH, Hückeswagen
Stilwerk Düsseldorf
Philips Healthcare, Hamburg
EON SE, Essen
M&E GmbH, Remscheid
Walbusch Jugendstiftung, Solingen
Anton-Betz-Stiftung, Düsseldorf
Ria-Fresen-Stiftung, Remscheid
Fachverband Strahlenschutz, Garching
Marianne und Emil Lux-Stiftung, Remscheid
Gerhard Kütterer, Erlangen
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mödder, Düsseldorf
G-Tec GmbH, Wesel
AVL Schrick GmbH, Remscheid
DGZfP, Berlin
Vaillant GmbH, Remscheid
DVTA, Hamburg
Creative Lebensraumgestaltung Jürgen Liersam, Remscheid
Lions Club Remscheid
Rotary Club Oberhausen
Rotary Club Remscheid-Lennep
Rotary Club Remscheid
Lions Club Dortmund
Prof. Dr. Erich Reinhardt, Forcheim
Spardabank Remscheid
Lambotte AG, Remscheid
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bockisch, Essen
Prof. Dr. Katarina Hofmann-Preiß, Erlangen
Förderverein für Innovation und Technologie, Remscheid
Maler-Einkauf-West eG., Remscheid
Arbeit Remscheid gGmbH
Bürgerstiftung Remscheid
Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft e.V., Berlin
Phywe Systeme GmbH, Göttingen
Monica Giedion-Risch, Zürich
Förster & Krause GmbH, Remscheid