The Roentgen Medal 1980-1989
Every year a different one. Yet always someone who deserves it.

Arthur Scharmann (1928-2012)
Gießen, GER
Physicist. Basic research on the elementary mechanisms of the interaction of radiation and matter, especially the application in the sensitive ray proof as well as the application in the solid dosimetry.

Gerald Edward Adams (1930-1998)
Chilton, GBR
Chemist. Basic research of quick reactions in the field of radiochemistry. Development of radio-sensitizing substances for tumor therapy.

Eckhard Macherauch (1926-2008)
Karlsruhe, GER
Physicist. Basic works on radiographical stress analysis of technical productions.

Viktor Hauk (1915-2003)
Düsseldorf, GER
Physicist. Comprehensive works on radiographical stress analysis of technical productions.

Paul Lauterbur (1929-2007)
Urbana, Illinois, USA
Chemist. On the basis of the biophysical works of Bloch and Purcell on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) he developed a method for the reconstruction of sectional images from the interior of the body. It was the magnet resonance tomography which opened further dimensions concerning visual diagnostics in medicine. Nobel prize for physiology and medicine in 2003.

Daniel Blanc (1927-2009)
Toulouse, FRA
Physicist. As assistant of F. Perrin he belonged to the founders of the “Center of Nuclear Physics“ in Toulouse. Important works in the field of biophysical radiology.

Andrée Dutreix
Villejiuf, FRA
Medical physicist. She studied at the Sorbonne and became head of the radiotherapeutic center in Villejiuf. Basic works for the development of medical physics in France.

Christian Streffer (*1934)
Essen, GER
Biochemist. Student of Werner Langendorff. Basic works on molecular radiobiology. Particular interests in the research of biological effects of ionizing rays, especially in the effects of small dosage. Research of the combination of ionizing rays with chemical substances in view of radiation protection.

Albrecht M. Kellerer (*1939)
Würzburg, GER
Biophysicist. Student of Walter Gerlach and Otto Hug. Basic works on microdosimetry and radioepidemiology. Introduction of modern mathematical methods, matrix calculus, stochastic, convolution theorem, functional transformation of the “Monte-Carlo-Method“ and mathematic topology in radiobiology.

Max Scheer (1926-2000)
Würzburg, GER
Physicist. Spectroscopic examinations of X-ray bremsstrahlung of angular distributions and polarization of X-rays.

Vernon Ellis Cosslett (1908-1990)
Cambridge, GBR
Physicist. Scholarship holder for the development of the electronic microscopy under W.L. Bragg in Cambridge. Development of the X-ray-projection microscope and the X-ray microscope. Essential works on the understanding of X-ray characteristics.

Heinz Vieten (1915-1985)
Düsseldorf, GER
Radiologist. Studied under Robert Janker in Bonn. Basic works on representing the heart by means of contrast media. Vieten contributed important impetus in all parts of radiology. Author of the “Handbook of Medical Radiology“.

Karl Musshoff (1911-2009)
Freiburg, GER
Radiologist. Basic works in the field of clinical radiotherapy of cancer of the lymphatic system.

Otto Vaupel (1902-1992)
Berlin, GER
Physicist. Assistant of Prof. Berthold at the “Reichs-Roentgenstelle“ in Berlin, later director of the department “General methods of material testing“ at the “Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung“. Basic works on the application of the X-ray method in material research and material testing.

Hermann Muth (1915-1994)
Homburg an der Saar, GER
Biophysiker. Bedeutende Arbeiten zur biophysikalischen Grundlagenforschung des Strahlenschutzes. Entwicklung der Dosisgrenzwerte im Strahlenschutz. Mitglied des Grundnormenausschusses Strahlenschutz der Europäischen Gemeinschaft.

Sir Godfrey N. Hounsfield (1919-2004)
London, GBR
Biophysicist. Significant works on basic biophysical research in radiation protection. Development of dosage limits in radiation protection. Member of the “Basic Standard Committee for Radiation Protection“ of the EU.