The Roentgen Medal 2000-2009
Every year a different one. Yet always someone who deserves it.

Uwe Ewert (*1952)
Berlin, GER
Physicist. Special achievements in the field of industrial digital radiology, especially for the development of mobile and laminographic tomographic measurement methods and the high sensitive contrast technique.

Willi Kalender (*1949)
Erlangen, GER
Medical Physicist. Development of spiral computed tomography with special consideration of dose reduction.

Michael Wannenmacher (1938-2015)
Heidelberg, GER
Radiooncologist. Special merits in the development of radiation oncology in Germany in particular through the introduction of largefield radiation for malignant lymphomas.

Rolf Sauer (*1939)
Erlangen, GER
Radiooncologist. Special merits in the development of radiation oncology in Germany. His research interests were in particular the therapeutic procedure for colorectal cancer, as well as the implementation and conduct of clinical trials on the value of hyperthermia in oncology.

Horst Sack (*1935)
Essen, GER
Radiooncologist. Special merits in the development of radiation oncology in Germany. His research priorities were mamma and prostate cancer, the malignant non-Hodgkin-lymphomas and treatment planning.

Sigurd Hofmann (*1944)
Darmstadt, GER
Physicist. Pioneering work in the discovery of new super heavy elements, in particular the Roentgenium.

Ohtsura Niwa (*1943)
Kyoto, JAP
Radiobiologist. Excellent radiobiological works, in particular for genomic instability and their inheritance.

Hartmut Michel (*1948)
Frankfurt, GER
Biochemist. Fundamental works on channel proteins (ion channels) receptors, and structure-function relations of membrane proteins. Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988 for elucidating the threedimensional structure of the photosynthetic reaction center of purple bacteria. In 1982 he succeeded in transforming the photosynthetic reaction center in a crystalline form for X-ray structure analysis.

Robert Huber (*1937)
Martinsried, GER
Chemist. Fundamental work on the X-ray structural analysis of biological macromolecules. Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988 for elucidating the three dimensional structure of the photosynthetic reaction center of purple bacteria.

Johann Deisenhofer (*1943)
Dallas, USA
Biophysicist. Work on the X-ray structural analysis of biological macromolecules. Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1988 for X-ray analytical enlightenment (1982-85) of the three-dimensional structure of the photosynthetic reaction center of purple bacteria (rhodopseudomonas viridis).

Rolf Günther (*1944)
Aachen, GER
Radiologist. Special merits to the medical radiology, notably in the development of interventional radiology.

Ulrich Bonse (*1928)
Dortmund, GER
Physicist. Pioneering work on the development of X-ray interferometry and their successful implementation.

Herman D. Suit (*1929)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Biochemist. Pionieering experimental and clinical research to improve the treatment of tumors, in particular under the use of biological methods and modern radiation quality. Here Suit developed methods for neutron and proton irradiation of malignant tumors, which were considered resistant to radiation and chemotherapy in space.

Manfred P. Hentschel (*1943)
Berlin, GER
Physicist. Basic work to develop X-ray topographic methods for materials research.